Business Support

Remote Assistance
TechTonic IT's Remote Assistance support services provide ongoing, real-time support for your remote employees and network infrastructure. A service that is simple, effective and just works. Just call any time during business hours for one-on-one assistance.
- Assistance anywhere
- Business hours support
- Fast response
- Usually same day resolution
- UK-only service and support

Easy Virtual Desktop
TechTonic IT can provide secure, remote access to applications that are used daily in offices. The Easy Virtual Desktop Service is designed to help organisations benefit from a cost effective solution, allowing remote desktop access from any device anywhere.
Cost Control - Reduce your hardware-spend on hardware. Move to remote working through a flexible and cost effective solution where the user can access their own computer, any time, anywhere, virtually!
Employee Efficiency - Easy Virtual Desktop offers remote workers more flexibility than ever, allowing them to work e.g. when the children are in bed or during the evening, when they wont be disturbed by family life.
Security - Easy Virtual Desktop delivers robust security features to its users, using the most up to date industry-standard security. It also allows you to defend against the most determined Ransomware attacks.

Microsoft Teams Remote Collaboration
The TechTonic IT Collaboration Service helps adoption of cloud services by helping businesses to understand key remote-working technologies such as Teams within Office 365 - and how to integrate these services into their existing environment to achieve the following:
- Make Microsoft Teams available to as many employees as possible, boosting safety and reducing infection by keeping teams connected while they work remotely.
- Help employees with remote working in order to support business continuity.
- Help employees understand how the technology works - such as cloud services in the modern workplace.
- Support employees as the business plans and then executes their transition into remote working.